The Wavemaker

Benchmark for

Digital Inclusion


Service providers must:

Provide access to quality stable internet service / wifi.

The Internet is becoming a core service, similar to gas, electricity and water and pivotal in ensuring adoption of new services and strategies.

Ensure all staff are knowledgeable in the core digital competencies.

Knowledgeable and competent staff are better prepared to aid and inform a resident or service user that is in need of advice, guidance or training around digital technologies.

Enable all people to develop the skills and competencies in digital.

Address the needs of each resident - Ensure all residents have the ability to become knowledgeable in the core digital competencies

Enable improved and increased well-being through digital

Wellbeing can be improved with digital in a number of ways, from managing health with apps, booking doctors appointments and efficiently getting repeat prescriptions, to communicating, sharing and staying in touch with family and loved ones.

Create opportunity for experiences with digital

Access to technology is key to allow someone to grow their interests, skills and confidence. Experiences with digital can stem from this access, whether it be digital clubs (computer / photography club), gaming, art, music.  

Engage with all stakeholders including family members and wider service providers.

Ensuring everyone is on the same page is key to success. A shared goal ensures a greater chance of success.

Core Digital Competencies / Rights

Users must:

  • Be able to competently operate a computer, tablet or smartphone and understand its capabilities.

  • Understand and be able to effectively and confidently use search engines to retrieve information.

  • Be able to use digital technologies to manage their health (patient online, health apps, smart devices, wearable tech)

  • Have the ability to stay connected and communicate through many forms of digital technology (messaging, email, social media, video chat) Add attachments to email, share photos etc

  • Have the comprehension to stay safe online, understanding core e-safety and being aware of clickbait, scams and fake news.

  • Have the awareness to be able to manage their finances, from spreadsheets through online banking and apps.

  • Understand what technologies and services are available which form entertainment and hobbies. (Media streaming services, Radio, Podcasts, Imagery / Photography etc)

  • Be knowledgeable, confident and competent when using online services to purchase services and goods (e-commerce)